Aloe Ferox: The Gentle Approach to Sensitive Skin - Promote healing

By Linandi Barkhuizen · Oct 5, 2023
Aloe Ferox: The Gentle Approach to Sensitive Skin - Promote healing picture

Skin that is sensitive tends to be more vulnerable to harm, whether it's due to exposure to the sun, minor cuts, or skin-related issues. Aloe Ferox is well-known for its ability to promote wound healing, making it a superb option for expediting the healing process.

Aloe Ferox Gel

  • Stimulates the production of collagen, which is essential for maintaining skin's elasticity and promoting healing.
  • Rejuvenates and restores skin
  • Promotes cell renewal for all types of wounds
  • Positive feedback: Sunburn and antiaging.

Both vitamin C and vitamin E play essential roles in skin repair and rejuvenation.

Vitamin C:

  • Plays an extremely important role in the synthesis of collagen.
  • Collagen is essential in the healing process of wounds and injuries because it helps in the formation of new tissue
  • Vitamin C+ strengthens the skin barrier and helps protect against germs that can enter the wound.
  • It also helps to combat inflammation. Inflammation slows down the healing process and increases the risk of scarring."
  • Supports cell growth and repair, which in turn helps to replace damaged skin cells with new, healthy cells.
  • It is a powerful immune supporter and essential for preventing wound infections.
  • Helps alleviate hyperpigmentation caused by the overproduction of melanin.
  • Vitamin C+ lightens darker areas on the skin caused by excessive sun exposure, free radicals, and hormones

Tissue Oil:

  • Studies indicate that vitamin E can reduce the appearance of scars and improve skin texture."
  • Vitamin E stimulates the production of collagen, which is essential for wound healing and tissue repair.
  • Aloe Tissue Oil comprises six various oils abundant in vitamin E, making it an excellent choice for application to any type of injury.


Ashley was in the process of melting lead when he decided to use diesel to expedite the melting. Unexpectedly, the lead became significantly hotter than he had anticipated, resulting in an explosion that engulfed him in flames. This led to severe burns on his face and right arm. He quickly rinsed his face and arm with ice water several times. Brenda, his wife, promptly applied Super Aloe Gel to all the affected areas and then rushed him to Mossel Bay Hospital, where medical professionals bandaged his injured arm. Brenda continued to provide care for his face and arm using Super Aloe Gel and later Aloe Tissue Oil. She diligently documented his daily progress through photographs. The subsequent recovery was nothing short of remarkable. Within a week, Ashley's wounds were scarcely visible, and both his face and arm made a complete recovery without leaving any scars.

Source: Aloe Ferox SA


Stay Fabulous,



Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with a dermatologist or skincare professional for personalized skincare recommendations.

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